
Jesus: The Theological Statements Of Jesus Christ

Decent Essays

Theological Statements about Christ
In between 4-1 BC a baby called Jesus was born who grow up to be a revolutionary man. He was the one being with the most influence on earth since, he inspired a new religion and a new lifestyle in which even now a day many laws are based on. He was not just a human he was also the saviour the one he claimed to be son of God, the anointed one, the one who gives life, and many other blessings. All through the bible the humanity, claims he said of who he was are mentioned and his purpose revealed those his claims.
All throughout the bible it talks about a savior. In the old testament people are anxious for the messiah to come and save them. In the new testament the savior has arrived but only few believe …show more content…

Jesus did not just demonstrated to be human but he was demonstrated and said that he was what he claim to be. something he claims to be is eternal and also God of all Jews. In John 8 he said that he was the “I AM”. when looking more in the old testament in Exodus 3: 14 the bush that looks like it was burning but it actually was not burning, answers Moses question of what his name was which is “I AM”. He claims the same thing again in John 11:1-14 by giving live to Lazarus with that he shows that he is the owner of life. In John 8: 12 Jesus claims to be the light of the world, because befor hand he opened the eyes of the blind man. In John 10:7-8 Jesus claims to be the door of salvation. Which many interpreted that he will be King, but he meant to save them from sin. Also in John 14:1-14 he makes known that he is the only way to heaven, that statement made him lose many of his followers. They left him because they believed that by being born into a Jewish family will give you eternal life in heaven, and not through accepting Jesus as their saviour. In John 10: 11 he claim to be the Good shepherd, which means that we are his sheeps and he guides us. Those are some of the claims Jesus did about himself.
The bible reveals who jesus really is, he is Human but at the same time he is what he claims to be. Many do not believe that jesus was a human or that what he claims to be is true, but by the actions he did it is enough evidence to believe both of them. In each of the claims he mentioned he first made a miracle or actions that were not common for the people in that time. Even though he did all does miracles he was still human. He had feelings, physical difficulties and other thing that all humans face in a daily bases. Jesus is human and everything he claims to

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