
Jesus Of Nazareth: Does Jesus Exist?

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In the modern age many people no longer believe in Jesus Christ. They claim that modern science and historical data disproves Jesus. In fact, this just is the opposite. Most scholars do not doubt that Jesus of Nazareth existed, but it is His divinity that they doubt. By looking at historical documents and using basic reason one can see that Jesus Christ did exist, and through His actions we can see that he was divine. To find a census of any kind from the first century is quite the daunting task, so to find The man that was Jesus of Nazareth we can look to of course the gospels but also the church fathers and even some Roman scholars from the time period to help make the case for Christ existence. Tacitus a Roman senator and historian discusses Jesus as being the beginner of the Christian movement and was executed by Pontius Pilate the Roman …show more content…

We have actual documentation of Pontius Pilates governorship of Judaea from 26-36 C.E. and many scholars place Jesus Christ death at around 29 C.E. So to refute Tacitus would be absurd because of how close to the time of Jesus he lived and would have had up to date records on all things the Roman government would have done such as executions. Now that we have sound evidence of Jesus Christ life and death we can look at the gospels and what they have to say about Jesus. Now that we have external reasons to believe Jesus existed we can look internally at his life. The best and clearest sources of Jesus' life come from the gospels, however theories and beliefs have risen to try and "debunk" the gospels of being credible. One such theory is the idea that the gospels were originally anonymous and only a century or so later given names to show credibility. First off I would like to quote Pitre and say "thus scenarios is completely incredible." (19) To first disprove this

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