
Janie's Loves Essay

Decent Essays

In Zora Neale Hurston’s novel Their Eyes Were Watching God, she sets the protagonist, Janie Mae Crawford as a woman who wants to find true love and who is struggling to find her identity. To find her identity and true love it takes her three marriages to go through. While being married to three different men who each have different philosophies, Janie comes to understand that she is developed into a strong woman. Hurston makes each idea through each man’s view of Janie, and their relationship with the society. The lifestyle with little hope of or reason to hope for improvement. He holds a sizeable amount of land, but the couple's life involves little interaction with anyone else.
They are insignificant Logan's house is "a stump in the …show more content…

Her decision to leave Logan for Joe Starks shows her determination to achieve her dream of love; she does not want to give and take this dream for stability. Logan is extremely ignorant of Janie′s feelings. When she tries to talk with him about them he simply replies: "′Ah′m getting′ sleepy Janie. Let′s don′t talk no mo′.′" (Hurston,30) He does not realize that Janie is serious about leaving him and that she wants him to show his feelings for her. Instead, he tries to hurt her like she hurt him, by pretending not to be worried about her leaving him. Janie gets to know Joe during her marriage with Logan. Right from the beginning he treats her like a lady. This is one reason why Janie is so attracted to him.
Joe Starks is representative of a much different sphere in terms of African-Americans and their ways of dealing with white cruelty. He is quick to tell Janie that he has "been working for white folks all his life," and it becomes evident to the reader through his improvements of the town; the light post, the general store, the post office that he is a man making plans of bringing Eatonville closer to the white world. Sounding like Mrs. Turner, he chastises town residents for casting doubt on his plans for a post office: "The white man don't have tuh keep us down. Us keeps our own selves down" (Hurston, 39).

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