
Jackson And The Native Indians Essay

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Jackson and The Native Indians Andrew Jackson, The United States seventh president, was possibly one of the worst human beings to be president and treated the Native Indians horribly. He, was a bully and used his position to get acts and petitions like the Indian Removal Act passed, to help push Native Indians around so he could get his own way. The Indian Removal Act in and of itself seemingly doesn’t contain that much power, however it was all the power Jackson needed. The circumstances of Jackson’s character and the debates surrounding the Act also lend and interesting lens to examine what Jackson intentions were. When looking at Jackson and how he managed to relocate the Native it becomes substantially more integral to examine all the documents with a wide scope to see how he even managed the relocation of Natives. The character of Andrew Jackson, first must be considered and examined, before one can fully understand the how Jackson managed to relocate so many nations. The character of Andrew Jackson is one of vanity, impatience, and of being temperamental. This is crucial to remember so that in future documents and debates you can assess his tone and underlying intentions. In A Retrospective Glance at the Character of Andrew Jackson, 1827 we see Jackson order a gun to be brought to him so that he could shoot the pilot of another vessel because a ship kept passing him up and then pulling over to let Jackson’s vessel pass her up and continued repeating this process.

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