
Is Jesus Christ Is Jesus A Feminist?

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Jesus was a man who loved all who came to him. From the little children to the oldest of men, Jesus Christ was not discriminatory to anyone he came across. But when it came to women, the gender that most people ignored aside from the purpose of procreation, Jesus did not feel any different. However, was Jesus just showing them the love of God or was he truly on their side? Therefore, if Jesus truly is who the Bible says He is, then He is a feminist through and through. Firstly, before the argument of the fact that Jesus Christ was, in fact, a feminist during his limited time on Earth is made, the definition of feminism should be discussed in its entirety. According to Nancy Frankenberry, any idea of feminism “…must promote the elimination of gender inequality” (Frankenberry, “Feminist Philosophy of Religion”). There are multiple types of feminism, branching anywhere from culture feminism which involves encouraging feminine behavior to radical feminism which involves getting rid of the concept of gender completely. The type of feminism that Jesus would most likely associate with would be conservative feminism, which allows Him, by today’s social standards, to continue to believe in biblical values and beliefs while also promoting male and female equality at the same time. Now that it has been clarified that the Son of God is in fact conservative in practice but still is able to treat women with respect, it will be easier to explain why He has such a belief.
One reason that

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