
Is Google Making USupid Essay

Decent Essays

Technology is an essential part of our life. The use of technology can be seen in almost every aspect of our daily routines. Despite some people’s belief that technology is progressively destroying humanity, it is evident that technology’s advancements have greatly benefited humankind due to its contributions to improving education, health, and communication. Technology has many attributes and applications that improve livelihoods. As a student myself, one of the most obvious advancements is in the field of education. Educational technology has slowly been integrated into classrooms over the last decade. Today, the basis of technology, digital literacy, is a crucial skill for academics. “Students who are digitally literate know how to effectively use technology to collaborate, create original content, and conduct in-depth research for academic purposes” (Dotterer, “Fostering Digital Citizenship In The Classroom”). Some worry that the use of technology will encourage people to “cease to exercise their memory and become forgetful” (qtd. In Carr, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?”). …show more content…

“Proving a child has been adequately educated is manifest through assessments evaluating the recall of facts or the deciphering of codes. How this information is taught and learned is the issue" (Ellis, "Introducing The Creative Learning Principles: Instructional Tasks Used To Promote Rhizomatic Learning Through Creativity"). According to the methods of Bloom’s taxonomy creativity is a higher-order thinking process. The use of technology in a classroom setting allows higher-order thinking processes, such as communication, the ability to synthesize information and creativity, to become the focus of teaching and learning rather than instructional strategies. The opportunity to harness this higher-level thinking will produce a generation with the abilities needed to problem-solve and create a better world for

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