
Intersectionality Research Paper

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Intersectionality is made up of three faucets: social identities; systems of oppression; and the interaction and intersection between the two.
Gender-based violence impacts women and girls mental health and plays a role in the types of trauma women are more likely to experience and their responses to those types or traumas.
However, it is important to note that gender-based violence also effects men as well, specifically in the ways in which gender, race, ethnicity and socioeconomic status perpetuate men’s violent acts. Society’s meaning of “being a man” or “being masculine” are harmful influences to the overarching problem.
Oppression exists in various forms, whether by race, sex, or age, across all levels and walks of life, individual interactions and systematic policies.
Privilege also plays a powerful role alongside intersectionality in people’s perceptions of sexual assault and the education they receive. For example, heterosexual men are more likely to be less informed in regards to sexual assault, which can and has led them to be less supportive of sexual assault education …show more content…

Women are more likely to be assaulted than men. However, one can delve even further to predict rise by utilizing intersectionality and crossing over factors such as gender, race, and sexuality. When you do that you realize that not only are women more likely but within women, black women are at higher risk to be assaulted than Asian women as well as bisexual women are at a higher risk than heterosexual women. This applies to organizations and one’s involvement as well finding that sorority women are at a higher risk than non-sorority

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