
Interracial Marriage In Canada

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Introduction The Canadian nation prides itself on being accepting of its diversity and multiculturalism. One specific area many are grateful for the diversity and openness within Canada, is marriage; the legal or formal recognition of two individuals as partners in a relationship. (Google, 2014). With the consistent flow of immigration, marriage between the majority populations of White European people has increased between the Minority populations, including, but not limited to African Americans, Asians, Hispanics and American Indians. This stated, society still holds many judgements and stereotypes about the formation of these relationships and interracial marriage. How societal views have changed over the past few decades, opinions of those …show more content…

One’s colour, religion and families origin should not interfere with the happiness between the couple. A publication by the University of Toronto Scarborough furthers this notion of love and relationships; yet explains there are many barriers and challenges which many interracial couples strive to overcome. Toronto leads the Canadian nation in interracial couples and marriages; having the most diverse population and leading in the number of immigrated residents. Many individuals within the city though, still hold views more strict and traditional. In the year 1983 Deborah Wallace, a Canadian women of Scottish descent fell in love with Stephen Hinds, a black man from Guyana. Deborah Wallace and Stephen Hinds had a mutual attraction, yet, with great disapproval of her family Deborah was forced out of her parent’s home due to her and Hind’s relationship. This occurrence took place 32 years in the past, yet one question arises; has much changed for individuals involved in interracial relationships and marriages since this …show more content…

Individuals in the relationship can feel pressure in regards introducing their partner to family members. Bringing someone outside of the family’s origin, religion and traditional values for many can be deemed as stressful. Although the individual involved in the relationship is open and accepting; many find their family members to be rooted with particular views, and are skeptical and unwelcoming to the partner of the relationship. For many, living in a country such as Canada has made the opportunity of an interracial marriage and/or relationships acceptable and achievable for them, yet still hold feelings of guilt knowing the disapproval of family members living in their country of origin. (University of Toronto Scarborough: Infinitom,

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