
Interpreter Of Maladies By Jhumpa Lahiri And The Thing Around Your Neck By Chimamanda Adichie

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The idea of marriage is deeply ingrained throughout cultures across the world and is a shared experience for most. Marriage brings the union between partners for life and similarly is an idea that unites the world. However, many have different views on marriage, the reasons for marriage and the choices made relating to this union. Many of these issues are discussed in the collections of short stories, Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri and The Thing Around Your Neck by Chimamanda Adichie. Both of the authors’ stories examine the cultural experience immigrants endure, marriage often playing a large role. A Temporary Matter from the collection, Interpreter of Maladies uses a well-established immigrant couple, whereas Arrangers of Marriage from The Thing Around Your Neck uses an arranged marriage to show the experiences immigrants endure. While we often recognize marriage as a beautiful thing, we must understand it is not always done for the right reasons. The authors Lahiri and Adichie both use the subject of marriage to illuminate the various aspects of the immigrant experience. The idea of marriage and being able to immigrate to the United States is portrayed as desirable. The external pressures facing people may lead them to believe it is worth compromising their values for what is seen as desirable; rather marriage should be based off love and internal desires, not external pressures. First, we will examine the immigrant experience through the lens of the

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