
Internal Student Satisfaction Feedback Has On The Quality Of Teaching

Decent Essays

According to Fielding et al. (2010), ‘over the last few decades universities in many countries have been increasing the amount of feedback they gather from their students’ due to the increased importance of maintaining high standards in higher education. A high calibre of students combined with a vast number of higher education institutions to choose from, means that there is more motivation for such institutions to aim for a quality of learning higher than in previous years and superior to perceived competitors. There is a great deal of debate surrounding the NSS and the use of internal feedback in universities across the UK.

1.1.1 Review of Internal Student Satisfaction Feedback
In the past decade, there has been an increased interest …show more content…

Cohen (1980) said that other purposes [aside from improving teaching] include aiding administrative processes. This involves monitoring lecturers as employees in order to support appraisals and reviews, as well as providing students with evidence to base their choice of institution on. This was later supported by Kember et al. (2010) who found that feedback questionnaires did not necessarily improve teaching quality and that their main purpose was to aid appraisal.
Analysis on internal feedback is conducted frequently at Cardiff University. Though there is little research done on the actual impact of conducting regular questionnaires on the quality of teaching, Kember et al. (2010) found that there was ‘no evidence of an improvement in the quality of teaching’ during a 4-year observation period across 25 departments in one university. (The quality was measured using a student feedback questionnaire, with a 5 point Likert scale. Contrary to this, Tuckman et al. (1968) found evidence suggesting an improvement in the quality of teaching as a result of internal feedback over a 12-week observation period. This was concluded by monitoring the student ratings of 286 teachers.

1.1.2 Review of the National Student Survey
With respect to the NSS, there is an abundance of research on its effect on universities in terms of admissions and

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