
Instructions : Reflection On Teaching And Teaching Questions

Decent Essays

Instructions to the teacher: Please reflect on teaching and learning that occurred while you were being observed. Responses to each of the following nine sets of questions should average approximately 100 words or less. Examples may be attached, if appropriate and available.

1. What were the objectives of this lesson? How well do you think your students understood the overall purpose and relevance of the lesson? (APS 4.A–C)
The objective was for the students to recognize the numerical patter in how the digi blocks were ascending, put the pattern in number form, and identify the number that came next in the pattern. I think my students understood the overall purpose of the lesson, because we have been working on patterns for the past two weeks. They were able to correctly read the directions and with little help, Michael was able to follow the second part of the directions on his own and the first group was able to complete the task with assistance.
2. What effect did your teaching strategies have in terms of promoting student learning and keeping your students meaningfully engaged? (APS 5.A–C)
My instructional strategies promoted reinforcement and active participation, by allowing the students to recreate the math problem using Digi blocks. The hands on activity and every student having their own set of Digi blocks to manipulate helped to keep them engaged. I also provided positive feedback within the class by offering tokens for participating. Using Digi blocks

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