
Informed Consent Document Analysis

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In this chapter of the book, the authors explored the topics related to the rights of clients when they start the therapeutic process, the responsibilities of counselors with their clients, legal and ethical issues with online counseling, ethical issues at the time of working with minors, and the concept of malpractice and the adequate course of action after a complaint.
As explained in this chapter, an essential part of the ethical practice is to discuss the rights that clients have before starting the session. This is beneficial for clients as they become autonomous of their decisions, and for counselors because they can avoid ethical complaints from their clients. Providing an informed consent document to clients is one of the most important ways of respecting their rights. This document clarifies the boundaries within the sessions, provides general information about the therapeutic process, the benefits and risks of receiving therapy, and informs the client about his/her right of confidentiality, including its limitations and exceptions. In the first meeting with the client, the counselor should provide informed consent either verbally, with a document, or in both ways (Corey, Corey, Corey, & Callanan, 2015).
Once the client has agreed to …show more content…

One of the responsibilities that counselors have when providing therapy via online, is to inform the clients about its benefits and risks. This type of counseling can be beneficial to people who have chronic illnesses or disabilities preventing them to assist to the sessions and it also allows for a higher number of clients. However, this type of counseling does not guarantee confidentiality, does not help the counselor distinguish behavioral clues, does not help create a connection between client and counselor to develop trust, and so forth (Corey, Corey, Corey, & Callanan,

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