
Informative Essay On Social Anxiety

Decent Essays

Feeling anxious before giving a speech or presenting a project is normal, but when that anxiety carries over into being nervous before going to a casual party or meeting up with friends, that is when it might be more than just nerves. Social anxiety is one of the most common forms of anxiety. About fifteen million adults in America suffer from social anxiety, with the typical onset age being thirteen (Social Anxiety Disorder). Overcoming social anxiety takes tremendous efforts and can take many years. There are many different methods people have tried using to overcome their fears. Two common ones people use are learning to control their breath and cognitive-behavioral therapy. With persistence and determination, people can learn to deal with their social anxiety the healthy way, or better yet, overcome it completely. To start, breathing is a major …show more content…

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a technique in which the individual with social anxiety changes their beliefs that influence their perception of their environment. People with social anxiety typically have more negative thoughts that don’t align with reality. They might think about something simple and then over think it and make it a much bigger deal in their head. The goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy is to replace those over dramatic thoughts with more realistic ones (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). The behavioral part of cognitive-behavioral therapy is exposure training. Many people with social anxiety have probably been told to just go out and face their fears, but this will not work. The exposure training has to be very gradual and is a step-by-step process. The process is very slow, and if it moves to fast it will backfire (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). Once those two steps, cognitive and behavioral, have been taken and are headed towards improvement, one will be well on their way to overcoming their social

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