
Industrial Revolution Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in the 18th century. This process began in Great Britain, or England and from there will soon disperse to other parts of the world. Unlike other European countries, England had political and economical freedom, which separated them from Germany and France. The Industrial Revolution began in England because the country had a good combination of the factors of production, land, labor, and capital. England was fortunate to be comprised of the perfect natural resources to jumpstart the Industrial Revolution. In Landmarks in English Industrial History, George Warner says “England is rich in these advantages, that she has coal and iron… that her harbors are plentiful… and that no part of the country is farther than seventy miles from the sea” (Document 4). England holds coal, iron, lead, tin, and wool, that were needed for industrialization. The country as an island, provides it’s people with many harbors to help trade overseas. England having helpful resources, assisted in starting the first Industrial Revolution. …show more content…

The enclosure movement occurred when british farmers began closing off their individual plots of land and stop using common grazing lands. This caused smaller farms and those who couldn’t afford individual plots of land to be pushed out of the farming trade and into the cities. The excerpt from a testimony presented to England’s Factory Commission revealed “A good many from the agricultural parts.… People left other occupations and came to spinning for the sake of high wages” (Document 2). Having all these farmers pushed into the cities, increased the number of workers available. Workers were ready to work for factory jobs because they left their other jobs for higher wages. Labor was a major factor to the Industrial Revolution, because no workers, no

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