
Importance of After-School Programs Essay

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Importance of After-School Programs “There are approximately forty nine million children and youth, ages 6-17 living in the U.S.” (“Making the Case” 1). Children need care while they are in the initial stages of growth and development. Whether this care is provided by a mother, father, sibling, or other guardian, a child needs to be loved. When children turn a certain age, the care of the family is added to by caregivers in another institution. While attending school, children are shown care for the duration of the day by teachers, mentors, and other aids. This is a productive time for the children’s development because they are being nurtured in a well rounded, safe environment. This environment provides initial academic …show more content…

There is a solution to assisting the needs of unsupervised children in the hours after school. With effort, there is a place that can provide a fulfilling and nurturing environment for the children that could otherwise be left in danger. After- school programs are increasing in number, and are catering to different children’s interests and needs. After- school programs, such as The Bridge Project are important for children ages 6-17 because they are cost effective, reduce juvenile crime rates, and raise academic success. These results are granted through attendance, providing enriching experiences, and extending academics into the after- school hours. After- school programs have been around for long time. However, their initial purpose was different than what is demanded in today’s society. The after school program was originally developed in urban communities in response to the decline in child labor and the rise in mandatory schooling. This combination altered the day of an urban child. The child would go to school, and come home with nothing to do. They could not work anymore because of child labor laws. With this being a new law, parents did not know what to do with their children because they had to work into the late hours of the evening. Also, urban housing had unkempt, undesirable conditions for living. This caused many

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