
Importance Of Checking In Jurors

Decent Essays

In my real world negotiation with my current boss is on depleting the phone duty for the jury staff during our busiest times of checking-in jurors Monday through Thursday. I think this would diminish any ill mood this duty could cast upon on the person doing the phone duty because on the busiest day of checking-in jurors, that person is pulled from phone duty to help the staff at the front counter. This adds an extra duty on the phone person.
I have been employed at my current job for fifteen years. I have been working in the jury office for thirteen years. During this time, I have seen the numbers of jurors reporting exceed the limits on some given jury trial days. These numerous volume of jurors would cause our phone calls to increase …show more content…

Both of these individuals work in a big county as well so they experience the same volume of jurors reporting. I had asked them if they would have one of their staff answer phones during checking-in jurors. Both of them said no. I interviewed clerks at my job to receive their insights on this idea that they totally are supportive of because not having that extra person helping with checking in would cause some delays of these clerks receiving a jury list. Therefore, if we have all three staff checking-in jurors would get all jurors into our data base ready for this jury list ready for our clerks and they do not have to wait.
In addition to my idea, I researched the cost of having this extra phone line to transfer over to stating this voice message would cost nothing to the organization due to the new phone system already installed and in use. Also, each department is given so many phone lines that they could set it up however they want …show more content…

I have done another research on my own and discovered no difference today compared to two years ago even when the numbers have increased. I think having this job duty of answering the phones should be diminished and re-focus our full attention on jurors checking-in giving them the best customer service. In relation, during the holiday period that just past, my boss had put on our phone system a message that the office is closed, asking them to call back when business resumes next business day-after the long holiday weekend. But what is special about this phone message, he used the line to have a different message on it so when business resume again, he had to re-do that previous voice message back to its original message. Even if my BATNA would only be to only answer phones two days of the week, my reservation would have our messages go directly to voicemail and my aspiration would be just let one day go to voicemail-like on a Monday-would be feasible and it would be a perfect opportunity to present my idea once again to my boss given the outcome from this holiday

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