
I Am An Effective Educator Essay

Decent Essays

These last few weeks, I have discovered myself along with a few things about education and who I really am or who I hope, to be as an effective educator. I’ve looked back at my own background in order to discover who I am and what my differences are from those around me. What the differences have to offer to others as a teacher. I have been blessed with growing up in a diverse background with mixture of cultures and beliefs. As a teacher I will bring a fair playing field to my classroom in order to give every student the opportunity to reach their full potential through an ethical belief of caring for the student as a whole. But how? In order to learn how to become an effective educator, one must look back over their own student life during school and pick out the qualities in teachers they enjoyed to model their own new path. So who am I as an effective educator? This question makes one look deep inside to evaluate their soul. If one is to become an effective educator, one must have the backbone of steel, the heart of an angel and the courage of a lion, yet be gentle as a lamb. I do see myself in each of these areas as an effective educator. I am a strong willed individual, which, was not something developed over night. Rather it was developed over a course of many years. When I see someone struggling to learn something, I want to reach out to them, take them to the side and help them to understand it the way I do. One must be courageous enough to take on the task of new

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