
Hydraway Case Study

Decent Essays

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (Caseyville, IL) Hydraway announces the successful installation of a new synthetic field drainage system at the St. Louis Rams practice field located in Maryland Heights, Missouri. The product used during this installation was the Hydraway 2000, 12", as the head coach wish to have a synthetic field made using a sand base. This was to allow the team to return to the use of natural Bermuda grass at a later date, if desired. "Hydraway understands the pressure facility managers are under, and works with each manager to find the right solution for their needs. Fields must be attractive, ready for use at any time and healthy. Anything less and the team may suffer, which is unacceptable in the eyes of all. Our partnership with teh St. Louis Rams allowed us to find the perfect solution for their specific …show more content…

Once the stone was placed, pipes would be laid to remove the water. Although this system worked for a number of years, problems often arose, as a result of inadequate drainage. With the Hydraway drainage system, soil compaction becomes less of an issue, even during periods of heavy use. In addition, players find the surface to be safer, as they can get a better grip on the turf. This helps to reduce injuries, and games won't need to be postponed or delayed due to wet conditions on the field. These are only a few of the many benefits of using this type of drainage solution. "Although a number of years have passed since the synthetic field was installed for the St. Louis Rams, companies and organizations can still learn from the experience this team has had. The Hydraway Field Drainage Solutions have worked exactly as intended and the team is pleased with the results. Contact Hydraway to learn how we can be of assistance to you with your drainage needs. We'll work to find the solution that is right for you, just as we did for the St. Louis Rams," Fromme

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