
Hum/111 Week 5 Assignment

Decent Essays

When I first took the test to see what I scored, I was surprised with many of my results.
The first inventory I took was the flourishing scale. In the beginning of the semester I scored a 46 which was below the average by two points. Based on the questions asked I thought I answered pretty high. The second time I took the exam I scored a 50, it went up four points and was rated as highly flourishing. I was not surprised to have gone up in flourishing this semester I definitely made some changes the biggest being my social life. I made more meaningful relationships with people who I actually trust and enjoy being around all the time. I also tried to be more supportive to those around me and encouraging them in their for the future. The next …show more content…

My scores in the depression section really surprised me. When first taking it I scored an 11 which was labeled as mildly depressed. The second time taking it I scored a whole ten points higher at 21 which is labeled as moderately depressed. The first time I took it and saw my results I agreed with them because I thought everyone does have a hard time every once and awhile. When I was getting ready to take it the second time I for sure thought my score would go lower. I thought it would lower because all my other scores went up in well being, optimism, flourishing, etc. When I saw my score go up so high it did worry me. I don’t feel moderately depressed right …show more content…

I scored low (less than ten in every scale). I scored a 10 on approval addiction which was the closest score I had to being high. I do think I care a little too much on what others think of me. Although recently I’ve done more of what I love without worrying if others will approve of it. I did score a 0 on helplessness/hopelessness I do tend to solve a lot of problems on my own and I’m also not scared to ask my friends and family for help when I need it. One problem I do have is avoiding problems for as long as I can. I sometimes wait until the very last minute to solve a problem, I’m not sure why I do it, but I really want to improve on

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