
Hum/111 Week 3 Individual Assignment

Decent Essays

1. I am originally from California I spent more than 15 years of my life there and I still have family living that lives there now. I have lived in a few states Montana, Texas, Utah and Washington of course.
2. I have basically two different families due to my parent’s divorce when I was five years old. I have four sisters and one brother ranging in ages from thirty to twelve years old. I have Mormon and Catholic family member but don’t practice any religions personally.
3. My main interest has to be videos games new and old which I play whenever I have free time from school and work. Another main interest of mine is playing the drums which I have been doing sense middle school and will continue to do until I am physically incapable of doing …show more content…

It’s hard to say the products may be cheaper but the quality of the products may also suffer when production is moved overseas. The really isn’t any appliances that are made in the United States any more it’s common for companies to move their factories overseas in order to cut cost. I I were to stop buying the appliances I used to using and changed over to another brand chances are that brands products are made overseas as well so either way I am purchasing a produced that is manufactured overseas whether I say with the first company or move on to another.
2. In city like Olympia the public transportation system isn’t strong enough to support a move like that and businesses aren’t close enough to make commuting by walking or biking very practical. A city like Seattle which is large would be a different story because everything is much more condensed and the public transportation is much more reliable and frequent.
3. I think decriminalizing marijuana would have some effect on the cartels but marijuana isn’t the only type of drug that they are bringing into the united states. If marijuana became legal on the federal level then the cartel would just focus all their effort on another drug or they would still continue to illegally import it due to a higher demand for marijuana and they would find a way to get it into the hands of retail pot shop and they would still be making

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