
Huckleberry Finn Weather Analysis

Decent Essays

9. It’s More Than Just Rain or Snow Weather has many implications on the mood of the work. It can be used as a plot device, misery factor, cleaning paradox (either clean (actual rain) or not clean (mud)) Rain can make things clear or “cleanse” a character Rainbows symbolize divine promise and peace Fog symbolizes confusion. Snow can be used in a variety of ways. Huckleberry Finn: When Huck and Jim are venturing up the river towards the free states, a thick swarm of fog engulfs them, causing them to lose all sense of direction and miss the Ohio River. The confusion the fog creates can parallel Huck’s confusion over the morality of helping a slave; however, when Jim tells Huck he is his only friend, Huck realizes helping Jim is the right thing to do, and …show more content…

In the beginning of the book, the conch is used to gather all the boys together, and then group them up for all their meetings meant to keep order. As the boys turn more to savagery, the conch begins to lose its power. Towards then end, the conch is destroyed, which could symbolize then end of civilization on the island. To Kill a Mockingbird: The mockingbird can be seen as a symbol for innocense. A big theme in the book is innocents being destroyed by evil, thus, to kill a mockingbird is to destry innocense. Chacaters such as Tom Robinson and Boo Radley can be seen as mockingbirds because they are innocent people destroyed by evil. Their Eyes Were Watching God: The hurricane towards the end can be seen as a symbol for the destructiveness of nature. It depicts how chaotic the world can be, and makes the characters question who they are and what sort of world they live in. The Great Gatsby: The green light can be seen as representing Gatsby’s hopes and dreams, most importantly Daisy, which emphasizes the ideas of the American Dream. He reaches toward it as a guiding light to his hopes and dreams. 13. It’s All

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