
Hrm 531 Week 6 Team Performance Assessment

Satisfactory Essays

3. Performance Assessment 3.1. Rating Sheets The rating sheets are located in the Appendix. The tables provide each score per category, 1 through 5, and an anchor with which each is associated. These anchors provide the answers or behaviors that the hiring team will be looking for and will score them based on that. There is a rating sheet for each of the hiring teams’ four selection tools. 3.2. Minimum Score For the Application Rating Sheet, our minimum average score would be a 16. This is calculated from having 3 points in each of the sections except for the section regarding the reason for leaving the last job. The hiring team regards this as a key indicator to determine willingness to work. All other forms are required the minimum average …show more content…

This score would be given by Anthony Cherwinski. For the section regarding showing up on time, the hiring team requires someone to show up almost every day on time. The section that talks about helping other students has a minimum of 3 points which correlates with a candidate assisting one peer in the class. The section on focus was rated at a minimum of a 5 because if a candidate is prone to looking at their phone or not focusing during class, they could potentially do that during the dinner, which would look bad to guests. The manager has higher standards of attentiveness and focus therefore the rating scale is much higher. The Reference Rating Sheet can be found in Appendix E. The minimum score for the cognitive ability test is 10. This score is comprised of the candidate only asking one question or clarification, forgetting two elements of the directions, and forgetting two answers for the detailed-oriented questions. The hiring team did not want to penalize as much for questions because they understand how new this type of procedure could be for some candidates. This reference sheet also only has three factors that candidates are rated on, therefore, the average score is much lower than other rating sheets. The Cognitive Ability Test Rating Sheet can be found on Appendix

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