
Hrm 531 Week 5 Check Performance

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One stage in the management of performance system is when managers evaluate employees’ performances and provide them with feedbacks. One of the purposes of this stage is to identify employees’ strengths and weaknesses. As a result, managers should be able to identify performance and training gaps.
Performance feedback sessions provide managers and employees with opportunities to:
• Discuss ways of meeting performance expectations
• verify expected behaviour
• Work on filling performance gaps
• Identify training needs
• Develop skills improvement plans
• Set new performance targets/goals
• Review job descriptions/position …show more content…

Main causes were related to managers’ fears of or attempts to avoid confrontations.
Performance feedback session could be stressful time for employees as well, specially, if they don’t have previous experiences in performance management systems.
If the outcome of performance feedback meeting was not as expected, employees might feel that they are being judged or on their way to lose their jobs. They become de-motivated and demoralised. This could reflect on their behaviour as they become defensive, aggressive, or even abusive.
To minimise the negative reaction, the manager should:
• Stay positive,
• Provide the employee with the opportunity to explain and clarify causes of not meeting performance expectations,
• Assure the employee of what the purpose of the meeting is all about,
• Acknowledge the employee’s feeling, and
• Actively listen to what the employee is saying as it might reveal causes beyond the employee’s control.
If the employee becomes angry and aggressive, the manager should:
• Stay calm,
• Not take the matter personal,
• Inform the employee that this behaviour is not …show more content…

Career development is the ongoing process of managing your life, learning, and work.
It involves developing the skills and knowledge that enable employees to plan and make informed decisions about their education, training, and career choices.
When a manager monitor and evaluate the performance of an employee, the manager might realise the talent the employee has and how this talent could contribute the overall performance of the organisation. Organisations seek to retain good performers. One of the methods used is career development. An employee could be transferred from one department to another where he/she could contribute to the success of that department at a higher level of performance. Developing an employee’s career could, also, mean enhancing their competence within the context of their position and department.
Career development is not just beneficial to the organisation. The impact it has on an employee is valuable as well. It allows for the employee to align career goals with personal goals.
Career Development opportunities could be provided through:
• Job expansion:
Is a broad term used to describe a couple methods of increasing the responsibilities of someone in a given

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