
Hrm 531 Week 5 Assignment

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Week Five Assignment Fraud is a problem that nonprofits must be prepared to prevent within their financial departments. Embezzlements and financial statement fraud can destroy the financial health of a nonprofit organization and undermine the organization’s mission. Skimming is particularly difficult to identify because the money is often taken off incoming funds before the donations are ever annotated or accounted for (Zack & De Armond, 2015). However, these financial woes can be easily avoided. Nonprofit Quarterly identifies the issue of financial fraud as a “people problem” (Zack et al, 2015). Financial departments within corporations are required to follow strict laws and regulations that are not required to be followed by nonprofit organizations. The Sarbanes-Oxley …show more content…

Often, financial fraud is conducted through multiple individuals. Therefore, it is important that this oversight panel be at the board level, instead of relying on the financial team on the ground (Zack, et al, 2015). The final step in financial control is training your people. Everyone must be prepared to identify any irregular behavior. This behavior is not just with regards to the bookkeeping, but individuals whom are displaying signs of unexplained wealth, extreme changes in demeanor, or financial hardship, could be potential threats to the financial health of the organization because of illegal behavior or a propensity to such behavior. An anonymous whistle-blower program can help to provide employees with a way to report suspected colleagues for suspicious behavior without a fear of retaliation (Clevenger, 2009). The most important step of all in a financial control program is training all of the employees and volunteers on the steps being taken by the organization to

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