
How To Construct A Model Of The Information Cues Used In Auditors?

Decent Essays

Basing on interviews and questionnaire responses from a sample of auditors, Mutchler (1985) selected a series of independent variables from information available from companies' 8-Ks or 10-Ks to construct a model of the information cues used by auditors to determine whether a problem company would receive a going-concern opinion. The result showed that the ratio model is effective to help predict GCOS, and especially the improved performance as another control variable can improve the accuracy of the prediction. This research wants to include these independent variables to test the difference between the survived and bankrupted companies: (1) Cash Flow (working capital from operations)/Total Liabilities (CFTL); (2) Assets/Current …show more content…

Furthermore, SAS 47 notes that those accounts that require subjective judgment in determining their value generally present an increased risk of error. In addition, those accounts that represent a large percentage of total assets generally present a greater risk of potential litigation because a small percentage error in an account with a relatively large balance can result in a material misstatement. Thus, as table 1 shows, the study wants to follow Bell et al. (1991) to control inventory intensiveness, receivable intensiveness, cash position, sales growth and sales size: Inventory intensiveness = inventory / sales; Receivable intensiveness = receivable / inventory; Cash position = cash / (sales (net) – operating income before depreciation). Cash position measures are included as indicators of the client's ability to generate adequate future cash flows. The industry- standardized measures should provide an indication of the strength of the client's current working capital or cash position (i.e., a degree of deficiency). The paper expects a positive trend in either cash-to-fund expenditures or the current ratio for survived companies to imply a tendency toward better and better future cash or working capital position. One might expect universal agreement on a notion of accounting earnings as fundamental as value, but this isn't the case: many executives, boards, and financial media still

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