
How Is To Kill A Mockingbird Fair

Satisfactory Essays

To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee and in the book there are four main characters which are: Scout which is 6, Atticus which is Scout and Jem’s father, Jem is 10 and is older than Scout and is the son of Atticus and Arthur Radley or Boo Radley which lives on the corner of the street that the Finch family live on. The first point I am going to address is justice and a great symbol for that is Atticus because he talks justice and sensible speaking. And also the jury would be a good one because in the book it states that the law is not fair because the jury found Tom guilty of raping a white woman because he was black, even though he was innocent. The law is very un-fair because coloured people didn’t have the same rights as they

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