
How I Have Learned As A Student Essay

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This paper explores the various methods I have learned as a student in the introduction to research course. The skills and methods taught in this class have been presented through course textbooks, online articles and videos, and interaction with the professor. Other opportunities for learning the research skills and methods occurred through writing of papers, testing knowledge through quizzes, and through interactive discussion board threads and posts. In addition to acknowledging these learned methods, this paper also includes insight into how I will be able to proceed in future courses, applying this newly acquired knowledge of research along with a biblical worldview, and how to properly examine research methods against the consistency of biblical principles and ethics. The challenge in writing a paper like this has been to write it in the format of an APA article, as outlined within the APA Manuel. Much of the context throughout the paper may seem less than scholarly, given that this is a paper written by myself, about myself, but that context will align with the instructions for the assignment. Synthesis At the beginning of this subterm, I had a limited understanding of the proper research methods used within psychology. Despite having previously completed several psychology courses, two being upper level courses, there was still much I needed to learn pertaining to psychology research methods. While this research class has been on only an introductory

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