
How Does Sleep Deprivation Affect The Brain

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The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) serves as the biological clock for the human body. It controls the melatonin production of the body, depending of the amount of light that fall into the eye causing the sleep-wake cycle. The human body goes through 5 ultradian sleep cycles, each approximately 90 minutes long. Each cycle consist of a number of stages going up to four; that then again reverse up to the second stage. Instead of going back to stage one, the body then enters a stage of active sleep with increased blood pressure, oxygen consumption and neural firing, as well as eye movement that resembles that of a waking person, called rapid eye movement sleep (REM). The less active stages are called non rapid eye movement (NREM) or slow-wave sleep. …show more content…

To find out how sleep deprivation affects humans, Dement (1960) connected participants of his study to an electroencephalogram in his sleep laboratory. The participant got woken up any time they showed signs of entering REM sleep. I was found that REM sleep deprivation made test participants more aggressive and suffered from poor concentration than the control group. They also tried to enter REM sleep straight after going to sleep. They made 26 attempts to enter REM sleep by the seventh night. It is to conclude that REM sleep is necessary for proper brain functioning as the brain goes into REM rebound, when deprived of …show more content…

After that, during sleep, connections have to be loosened again to reinsure a plastic state of the brain. For that the brain has to be protected from new stimulation from the outside world, what is exactly what sleep offers. From computer and non-human experiments It was concluded that large slow waves measured early in the night are a sign of the strengthening of synapses prior to sleep and that more shallow slow waves in the morning are indicating that synapses have been weakened. This suggests that sleep may also function for synaptic weakening in the brain to maintain

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