
How Does Football Affect Nfl Players

Satisfactory Essays

Have you ever speculated how football affects its players? Well these are some of the fascinating things that I discovered. There is a very dangerous disease that many pro football athletes develop called CTE that can be contributed to countless deaths of NFL players. There is also a problem with the helmets in the NFL that inventors/players are trying to solve. The head trauma issue in the NFL is generating many complications and resulting problems, including the CTE matter, head to head hits, and the ongoing helmet issue.

CTE is a brain disease that is due to repeated head trauma that as you know affects many pro football players. Almost all of the brains that have been donated for research by NFL players have had traces of CTE. This …show more content…

One way that we can help the CTE and concussion issue would include helmet design which will be addressed later . Another idea would be a change in rules, although it has already been tried with little effect. Finally the coaches could teach the players different ways to tackle and stay safe. These are some of the ways coaches and players can help solve this problem.

Here is some of the research that is being done to help fix these issues. There is many companies that are trying to make safer helmets including Vicis which will be explained later. There is also CTE research going on as stated on the website There is also people researching better ways to play the game which is mainly about rules. Finally, these are some ideas to fix this epidemic.

There is a huge helmet revolution that is taking place. One of the main companies that is starting up is Vicis. They are making helmets that can absorb shock like the Vicis one. Several players have invested in this product already including Doug Baldwin of the Seattle Seahawks which can be seen on the website Overall there are many developing ideas to help make football

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