
How Did The Railroad Contribute To The Westward Expansion

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The United States expanded to the west to gain more land and believed that it was their God given right to spread their knowledge across the continent. With Manifest Destiny propelling them to the west it was only a matter of time before the railroads and the transformation from agriculture to industries brought exceptionalism to the United States, they felt as though they were the dominant nation because of their success in their country.
The development of the railroads was the beginning of a new transport system in America, it connected the east and west, and the communication across the continent grew easier. With the railroads brought new life to deserted towns, people settled along the railways, it was faster for people to travel from one way to the next, it was cheaper, and it led to new industries in lead,coal, and …show more content…

Farming was growing less popular because of the rise of cities. New jobs were growing such as engineers, miners, and factory workers. Industries such as coal and oil popped up from the railroad system which brought new jobs and new people. The railroad was putting farmers into debt. It was cheap to transport goods, which did not give farmers enough money to sustain their farms. With railroads the US no longer had to rely on a single state for a good, but now good get it shipped in from anywhere which brought in less for farmers. The expansion to the west made the Americans realize that their is more than just farming and the began to spread industries across the map. This made them powerful by giving them new jobs and economic growth. America became exceptional from the possibilities that the cities brought, they spread their new cities west trying to show their new technologies. America was exceptional because it grew out of its old ways and started new ones which benefited America, it gave new opportunities to the people which is what the United States is

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