
How Did The Great Depression Affect African American Families

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Americans felt desperation during the time of great economic shortage. If they were to survive this era, they needed to condition themselves mentally and psychologically for the tougher times that might stretch on for years on end. Millions of families lost their savings as numerous banks collapsed in the early 1930’s. Incapable of making mortgage or rent payments, many were deprived of their homes or were evicted from their apartments. Working and middle class families were immensely affected by the Depression. The cultural change that happened in America during the Great Depression can be divided into two types: one was type of culture that accepting and embracing the extreme poverty and by finding logical ways to stay alive. The other …show more content…

Cultural refinement brought from various parts of rural America to the city influenced urban mores. Another cultural effect of the Great Depression is the acute fall in birth rates as families decided to not accumulate any more mouths to feeding. In order to forget their pressing troubles, more and more people turned to the mass media for entertainment. The burden of conquering the crisis was on the shoulders of the American government and in its capability to effect successful economic reforms. The Great Depression challenged American families in considerable ways, placing great economic, social, and psychological stress and demands upon families. Features that could be considered symptoms of family disorganization, especially the employment of women and children outside the home. African American families were hit the hardest by the Depression. Unemployment rates were significantly higher for blacks than for whites in Northern cities, and in the South, where most of the African American population continued to live during the 1930s, economic conditions were especially bad. Black sharecroppers in the South were forced to subsist on a minimal level, and increasingly they were evicted from their farms as the result of Agricultural Adjustment

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