
How Did Harper Lee's Influence On To Kill A Mockingbird

Decent Essays

Harper Lee’s writing influences Have you ever thought about what inspired Harper Lee to write her novel To Kill a Mockingbird? Lee was inspired by the real world events that happened around her. The scottsboro trials influenced her. The murder of Emmett Till made her thoughts pliant on her thoughts about the relationships should be between blacks and whites. The way Jim Crow laws were carried out created a different view of the way black people should be treated by whites. The tragedy of the Scottsboro boy affected many people including Lee. Without the Scottsboro trials her writing of To Kill a Mockingbird would have been drastically different or might not have even happened. This can be proven by examining both instances and comparing the …show more content…

Emmett Till at age 14 whistled at a white woman. Four days later he was taken by his assailants, the white woman’s husband and her brother. He was beat senseless nearly to death. The men then gouged his eye out, shot him in the head, tied a 75 pound cotton gin fan to him with barbed wire and threw him in the Tallahatchie river! Not only did this affair changed the way Lee wrote about the relationship between the negro’s and white people but this also changed her expression of how Jem and Scout think about blacks would not be mutual as it is. Instead it would be more against blacks and their culture. This is no accident that she wrote exactly what she did. The slaughter of Emmett Till without a doubt made Lee think and write differently about blacks just as the movement of Jim Crow laws did.(encyclopedia of african american …show more content…

The Jim Crow laws are obviously enforced in Maycomb, Alabama the setting in To Kill a Mockingbird. In this scenario the black people basically have a separate town outside of the city limits. In the book it reads “They turned off the highway, rode slowly by the dump and past the Ewell residence, down the narrow lane to the negro cabins.” the negro cabins are described as past the dump.(Lee 239) To put it in perspective the dump is outside city limits and the negro cabins are past that. they are so segregated in the south that the negroes have to live outside of the city they live in. “The colored balcony ran along three walls of the courtroom” this quote show yet another example of the segregation in every town in the south in this time era.(Lee 164) The blacks were so shunned they had to sit by themselves in their own section of seats in the

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