
'Hot Air Balloon In A Wall Of Fire Rising'

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A massive, air filled balloon wandering mindlessly in the sky thousands of feet high is likely what comes to mind when you think of a hot air balloon, but this is not the case in the story A Wall of Fire Rising. In this story, the hot air balloon mentioned has such a deeper meaning to Guy. Characteristics of a hot air balloon include being filled with air, but hollow, free-flying, and non-stationary. These four characteristics define the symbol in a whole other light; they describe hopefulness, trapped, destined, unattainable freedom and escape. As the story evolves Guy’s perspective and the meanings on the symbol changes as well.
A hot air balloon can be classified as filled with air, hollow, free-flying, and non-stationary. The hot air balloon …show more content…

He was filled with hope for a job, a better life and a way out of his situation, but he came to realize all this hope he is unattainable. By the end his hope was filled with nothing. Hot air balloons are hollow considering that it is only filled with air. Guy is trapped in his destined future like the air is trapped inside the balloon. As much as he may try, he is stuck inside a life so deep in flaws there was no way out. Every direction he may try to achieve to get out of his situations makes it seems as if he is barricaded in. The hollowness also shows what Guy has which is nothing. It’s debatable that he has his family, and for many that’s enough. Guy’s predicament on the other hand is unbearable, when he has no way to support this family. A free-flying object is be another way to describe a hot air balloon. This free-standing characteristic can express the freedom Guy is trying to obtain like all the destinations the hot air balloon tries to travel to. Flying is a source for him to obtain freedom, he strongly desires. The hot air balloon just like Guy there is no limit, and the possibilities are endless. When none of these opportunities present, how Guy obtain this freedom? …show more content…

As hopeful as Guy was, is anything he was trying to accomplish even in his reach? All the things he wants to do for him and his family seem so farfetched; it’s questionable where this hope even comes from. When the Haiti got their freedom from the French, Guy mistakenly took this notion as a beginning to freedom. He was stuck in a predestined future; he was poor and without a job. He was hopeful to have his name on the job list because this meant an opportunity. As time went by, he realized the hope was back up nothing. He was so far buried down on the job list that it was nearly impossible to ever get out of the situation he was stuck in. Throughout the whole story he was the most hopeful person, and it was easily seen by his determination and effort. He has high hope for a job, freedom, escape and an opportunity even for his family. As the story developed, he became weary. He sees all the unachieved hopes he had was pointless. He became hopeless and trapped inside his destined fate. He was stuck inside a life that didn’t give him opportunities, second chances, promises, freedom or escape. He lived the life in the same shoes his father did. Ultimately every factor he tries to accomplish backfires and he’s trapped back at square one. He hoped for a better life apart of the life he saw growing up with his father. This, as a matter of fact, changed nothing for Guy; he was buried

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