
Honors Program Essay

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Throughout high school I have been involved in numerous academic programs tat opened many opportunities for me. I want to complete the honors program because I have always wanted to achieve that goal since I was a Senior in high school. I have always been an over-achiever so to achieve this huge accomplishment for me personally. Completing the honors program will mean a lot to me, no one in my family were able to embrace their full potential so this milestone will be something I would not only represent but it shows that I am able capable to achieve more than the average. This will allow me to challenge myself so completing the honors program will show that I was being challenged and I was able to overcome all the challenges that I came order to be in this position towards being in the honors program but not just aiming towards only being a member of the successful organization but to be an officer within the Honors Programs . It’s a bigger reason than just completing the honors program, it shows that I was able to challenge myself in the hardest way possible when it comes to community college. It will show future employees that I did take my education seriously and I was able to complete something that not a lot of students in general can fulfill during their educational career. …show more content…

Besides, I am a student that does not only persistently works hard academically, but also I constantly try to improve my own community’s quality of life by doing volunteer work and it has always been a goal for me to return back to my community that helped me a lot during high school and even now in college. I believe education is the key to success, and I try to connect my passion for education with my desire of helping others. As a result, I decided that the honors program was the perfect way to fulfill this educational goal that I

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