
Homelessness Thesis

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Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa
NBP Reservation Poblacion, Muntinlupa City


Homelessness is a critical issue that requires everyone’s attention. Hundreds of thousands of homeless people live on the streets as their shelter. Historically, homelessness has always been a problem in society. Homeless people were known as “the wondering poor”, “sturdy beggars”, and as “vagrants,” but it was not until the late 18th century that homelessness because noticeable to society. Homeless person is anyone who lacks adequate shelter, resources, and community ties. People who are homeless can be categorized as chronic deinstitutionalized or temporary …show more content…

It means suffering the frustration and degradation of living hand to

Republic of the Philippines
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa
NBP Reservation Poblacion, Muntinlupa City

mouth, depending on generosity of strangers or efficiency of a government agency for your survival, for your children’s survival.”

However, one definition worth stating comes to mind. “Homelessness is a condition of detachment from society characterized by the absence or attenuation of the affiliate bonds that link settled person to a network of interconnected social structures”. The condition of detachment can be explained as an insecure attachment experience in which a person will develop a working model for constructing a negative world of himself and the world around him or her. The other important word worth defining is the establishing of social bonds which can be explained in terms of one’s social networks. (McCarthy, Hagan, & Martin, 2002)

Two other perspectives can also help us underline the issue of homelessness. On the one part you have the industrialized world and on the other you have the developing world. Homelessness in the industrial world is explained in terms of a lack of affordable housing, family disintegration, and drug and alcohol abuse, deinstitutionalization

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