
Home Insurance Essay

Decent Essays

Make sure you pay attention to how you use your homeowner's insurance policy throughout the year; you may be able to get a break on your taxes. Here are the top three ways that most people benefit tax wise from having homeowner's insurance:

Home Office Deduction

If you work from home and have a dedicated space in your home that you use only for the purpose of work, you may be able deduct part of your homeowner's insurance policy.

If you take a itemized deduction for your home office instead of a standard deduction, you can write off a portion of your homeowner's insurance policy. All you have to do is figure out total square footage that you use for your home business and divide that by the total square footage of your home. That number is the percentage of your home that you use for business. You can then deduct as part of your expenses that percentage of …show more content…

If your paid $1,000 a year in homeowner's insurance costs, you would be able to deduct $200 of those costs as an expense for your home office.

Deductible Tax Deduction

Another way your homeowner's insurance policy could help you out with your taxes is if you had any belongings that were stolen or damaged this year. If your insurance policy only covered a portion of their reimbursement, as generally happens when you have an actual cash value replacement policy, you can write off the deductible you had to pay as well as the remaining value of your belongings.

Casualty Loss Deduction

Finally, if your house or any of your belongings were damaged due to a natural disaster, accident or even a robbery, you can file a casualty loss tax deduction. Once again, this deduction comes into play when your insurance company does not fully reimburse you for these loses. You are able to deduct the money that had to come out of your own pocket to make up for these

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