
History And History By James A. Baldwin

Good Essays

“People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them.” James A. Baldwin
The study of history not only provides information about the past, but gives people knowledge and details that help shape lives, in the present and future. For the longest time it has been said that history is bound to repeat itself if it is not understood. Although the repetition of previous tragic historical events is an important reason to study the past, there are many others. As American playwright James Baldwin said, people are a part of history, but history is just as much part of them. This is one of the more fundamental reasons why the exploration of the past is vital to human beings. The study of history gives humans a sense of belonging, a feeling that …show more content…

Everyone has a history, a story that ends with the present day. It is these stories that give us insight into our own habits and traditions. Humans have a natural desire to know where we come from and are always looking for way to explain things. I have been told many different stories about my family's history. I have relatives from Norway, England, France, Italy and Germany. My family has always taught me the importance of knowing who came before me, and I have been taught many different things about what makes me the person I am today. My maternal grandfather's family was from Italy, my grandfather is a first generation American. His wife, my grandma’s family is from Norway, my great grandmother was born and given up for adoption in a small outside of Bergen, Norway. My grandfather on my dad’s side of the family was born in Pennsylvania. His family history goes back to the civil war where many relatives of mine served for the Confederacy, the Larimers were once Lorimers, Huguenots who fled French prosecution to England. The one side of the family I knew very little about was …show more content…

Without a knowledge of history how would someone know that the tradition of having a Christmas tree is thought to come from Pagans in Germany. Or that Christianity dates back to the 1st. century A.D. Many people do not believe that learning these things is useful, that knowing where traditions and beliefs come from is useless. Henry Ford famously said “History is bunk”. This could not be more wrong. Humans want to know why they do things, and looking into the past gives us these answers. Although is has been said time and time again that history will repeat itself, many people still do not know the full effect it could have. It is very unlikely to know that communism does not work in large numbers without studying where it began, and that it did not work. One to the simplest ways to solve problems is to find out where they began, and studying history provides information from as early as before man, to the more recent events in world

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