
Herbal Medicine In Native American Medicine

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Advanced medicine has it’s advantages, but the medicine today mimics the characteristics of plants used to help people way before man-made treatments. Herbal remedies don’t have many of the side effects drugs have today. Looking into the roots of herbal medicine can make modern medicine more effective, safer, and healthier for generations to come. Native Americans before they were exposed to modern medicine and technology, only relied on plant based medicine. The Sumac tree was used often in Native American culture for both food and health remedies. The Sumac is native to temperate and subtropical zones and it was grown in North America. It was seen as a sacred plant that helped improve the lives of the Native Americans. The parts that were usually used were the root bark, leaves, and berries (“Herbal Medicine”). Sumac was very versatile in that it helped with many health issues the Native Americans often faced. The active properties the plant contained were Calcium malate, Dehydro Fisetin, Fisetin, Iodine, Gallic-acid-methyl ester, tannic and gallic acids, Selenium, and Tartaric-acid (Jackson, Deb, and Karen Bergeron. “Sumac (Rhus Glabra)” ). Usually the infusion of the bark and roots held most of these helpful qualities. The mixture itself acted as an astringent, antiseptic, alterative, and a tonic (“Sumac”) . The berries on the other hand are used mainly for bowel complaints.
Regular health issues Native Americans faced included diarrhea, sore throat, rashes, and

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