
Healthcare System For Medicare And Medicaid

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With a rapidly changing health care system, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) faces significant challenges in the coming years. Key populations served by Medicare and Medicaid will increase dramatically over the next 10 years as the Baby Boom Generation ages into Medicare, more Americans live longer with more chronic illnesses, and the number of Medicaid enrollees increases as a result of program expansions under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) (///citations///). The cost, quality of care, and effectiveness of both Medicare and Medicaid have never been more important issues for CMS and Congress. As part of its mission to serve Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, CMS has been implementing a wide range of new financing and …show more content…

The medical home concept is not new, as it is built on health care practice innovations that have arisen over the past 40 years (Kilo & Wasson, 2010). From these principles, a multitude of medical home projects and demonstrations across the United States have grown (PCPCC, 2011). Given the unique characteristics of each of the numerous projects promoting the PCMH model, it is difficult to obtain generalizable evidence of the effectiveness of the model (van Hasselt, et. al., 2015). However, the most fundamental aspect of the medical home model—the primary care provider – can be the source of the effective functioning of the model, and its direct benefit to the Medicare-eligible population. The role of primary care within a health care system has been tied to health services’ costs, with some evidence supporting the idea that health care delivery systems that place an emphasis on primary care have lower overall health costs (Starfield & Shi, 2004). Although the medical home model is not just about primary care, it places a priority on this type of care as a critical aspect of patient care. As a result, evidence of the success of primary care can carry through to the PCMH model. This emphasis on primary care as the core of a coordinated care strategy is

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