
Health And Social Care Act 2012

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HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE ACT 2012 The Health and Social Care Act 2012 came into force with crucial principles including new structures and arrangements in health care services to safeguard and strengthen the future of NHS and maintain the modernisation plan. In this Act, many new changes has been made to a number of existing Acts, National Health Services Act (NHS 2006), in order to enable health care system to tackle the existing challenges and also avoid any potential crisis in future. It has also introduced the proper allocation of NHS fund and budget, and improved the integrated care between NHS and social care services to promote patients’ choice in terms of delivering quality care.
The secretary of Health, Andrew Lansley in July 2010 published his plans for NHS reform in the White Paper including Equity and Excellence: liberating the NHS. In January 2011, when the Act was published in the draft form, it came to face considerable criticism. Then, later on in spring time, the Bill was temporarily paused and put on ‘listening exercise’, led by a panel of experts in the NHS Future Forum headed by Professor Steve Field to review the proposal and for recommendations. The government evaluated its 63 years history of services and analysed it was the biggest shift in power and accountability it had ever seen. After substantial revision, it was returned to the House of Commons where considerable changes were made following the NHS ‘listening exercise’, the Lords emphasised an

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