
HIPPA and the Privacy of Medical Records Essay

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HIPPA and the Privacy of Medical Records

Previously, healthcare information has been protected by state law. However, since this information crosses state lines, the need for federal protection has been warranted. In 1996, Congress passed the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA provides the first federal protection for the privacy of medical records (Burke & Weill, 2005) HIPPA encourages the use of electronic medical record and the sharing of medical records between healthcare providers, because it can aid in saving lives. HIPAA requires that patients have some knowledge of the use of their medical records and must be notified in writing of their providers' privacy policy. HIPAA has technical …show more content…

With the increase in technology, it has become easy for physicians to transfer medical data via fax and computer. HIPAA encourages electronic transactions, but requires new guidelines to protect the security and confidentiality of health information. According to HIPAA, transferring patients medical data to anyone without consent is illegal. A major goal of the Privacy Rule is to assure that individual's health information is protected properly while allowing health information that is needed to provide a quality of service to people who need it. Although the healthcare field is diverse, the Rule is flexible and covers a wide range of uses and disclosures that need to be addressed (Burke & Weill, 2005). In a large service-related Healthcare organization with the staff to patient ratio approximately 1:100, there is a greater threat by technology of breaching security records. Medical records include information about ones physical and mental being. They may contain information about ones relationship with family members, sexual behavior, drug or alcohol problems and HIV status ( Burke & Weill, 2005). The confidentiality is threatened when the medical records information is put on the Internet, by use of telemedicine, and by the use of e-mail by healthcare workers. Although this is the fastest way to store and share

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