
Group Therapy 12 Step Work

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(Location Name) is here to handle all of your recovery needs. As we know that recovery is a hard journey to embark upon, it has become our main focus, to ensure that everyone is afforded the same chance at a sustainable recovery. A recovery that is free from relapse, free from shame and free from fear. Because of the above listed reasons, we are happy to be able to offer on-site, as well as intensive outpatient services to our clients. We understand that, even as you battle addiction, there are still these ever-present needs of working, shelter, and other basic necessities of life. In order to give everyone a shot at achieving this difficult goal, (Location Name) is proud to offer day, evening, and even weekend appointments, to our endeared …show more content…

They all go hand in hand with one another. (Location Name) understands the benefits of developing a healthy body during, and after treatment. • 12 Step Meetings 12-step meetings and step work is always an option with us. • Group Therapies It is important, especially during recovery, to find minds that share similar feelings and beliefs. Group therapy sessions are great for that. They have individuals with similar issues, as well as a counselor, that will be able to direct and curve conversations, in a healthy way. • Individual Therapy In order to truly heal, you must find out who you truly are. Individual counseling is available in order for you to do just that! At (Location Name), unlike some other rehabilitation facilities, we offer the same care outline to our outpatient clients, as we do to the on-site clientele. There are a few minor disparities, however, we are able to work with you in whatever capacity is deemed to work best. Our (Location Name) Mantra Rather than going off of what a book, or a professor might say about recovery, (Location Name) has decided that it is pertinent to work off of an evidence-based, consistently proven treatment plan. Although the plans are created in a case-specific manner, the overall scheme of things remains the

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