
Graduation Speech : High School Graduation

Decent Essays

There is no success without the opportunity to fail High School graduation can be an exciting time in a student’s life. It is a time in their lives where they begin to experience the kind of freedom that comes along with growing up. This freedom allows students to choose the type of college or University they would like to attend. It is necessary that they understand how responsible they need to be with the freedom that is being offered to them. When choosing what college or university to attend it may be tempting to want to go to a school that is known more for the party scene however, it is important to keep in mind that to have a bright future, going to a party school may not be what is best for them today. When looking into a colleges or universities it is imperative to ask oneself three questions, are the students attending the school learning anything; what is the failure rate of the school they are looking into; and what is the schools average cost of tuition. Not only do students want to pick a good school for higher education, they will also want to make sure that they are paying close attention to the instructions of their professors. When students skip class or do not pay attention to the instructions given to them, they run the risk of becoming another statistic for the average failure rate of the university or college they are attending. William Deresiewicz, who wrote “The Miseducation of America” 4 January 2016, believes that college is a basic human right and

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