
God's Mission Of The World

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God 's mission in the world. For me as a pastor, I enter into this mission field through the local church, but not exclusively based in the local church, but constantly reaching out to near and distant neighbors. This definition is a simple introduction to the concept of “missio Dei” which is basically saying that the work or mission of the church is a part of the work of God in the world, rather than something with an independent disposition. The overwhelming motive for mission is the compassion and love of God for his creation and the telos of mission is the Kingdom, the reign of God over his people.
As missional leader, my task is to help my congregation, synod, and church wide to understand the need for adaptive leadership if we are to be vital and thriving hubs for missional outreach in the world. Additionally, I must motivate parishioners and lay leaders to be agents of change; not to be agents of status quo. Additionally, my goal allow the Spirit to transform my congregations from an inward focus of maintenance to an outward focus of mission and to invite my congregation to be agents of adaptive leadership and transformation beyond their comfort zones of homogeneity in their current community context. In other words, my assignment is to help my congregation to understand that the task of the church is to be the church. I must show them the importance of evangelism and outreach, but our doing is important must be married with our being the church. I must help my

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