
Globalization Vs Consumerism

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Consumerism is a huge part of the lives we carry out day to day. Globalization has been shaped and molded with the use of capitalism and consumerism, and it is now mobilizing the individual. So much of what we do today revolves around some form of consumption; retail is a key aspect of everyone’s life as much as they would like to deny it. We have seen a reemergence of the term “late capitalism” on social media and even in news articles like the New York Times, is this because of how consumerism has shaped globalization? I think so. I believe that the desire for more and better has pushed society towards late capitalism. We could then argue that late capitalism has been part of the source behind the environmental crisis in the world. No …show more content…

An example of this is how she says, “describing everything from freakishly oversized turkeys to double-decker armrests for steerage-class plane seats.” (Lowery) This is similar to Barber’s explanation of McWorld. The overwhelming push for a more open market with fewer rules regulating it. Late capitalism is a product of that. We know that McDonalds’ golden arches are the most recognized symbol today, but late capitalism would be the placement of one in the middle of a dessert; absurd and unnecessary yet very neoliberalist of them. We could even use the example of the tweets that Lowery provided as examples of the term on social media. One tweet depicts a picture of a reusable shopping bag that says “It’s not just shopping, it’s an addiction! BECOME ADDICTED” We could also contribute mass consumerism to the environmental issue that we face today. Because people want to buy more affordable goods, companies look for more affordable resources and in order to obtain those, they generally choose the more environmentally harmful product. An example of this is palm oil and the farms in Indonesia producing it. Indonesia is currently home to one of the few important forests on Earth, but citizens are taking down trees in order to make better use of the land, one use being palm farms. An article by Charlie Bibby follows Vidar Helgessen,

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