
Glo 3 Interpreting Population Essay

Decent Essays

GELO 3: Interpreting Population Data
1a. China and Japan are both industrialized countries where population is decreasing; however, they are both decreasing due to different social, economic, or political factors. With 1.33 billion people, China has been one of the world’s most populous countries, however due to the overpopulation crisis; it caused implications and strain upon the country’s energy and resources. This called for the government attention to fix the issue of overpopulation by developing the “one-child policy” which limits couples to having only one child each. The overall outcome of the policy was to reduce population growth, increase economic growth, limit poverty, and to create better health for the citizens of China. Governments …show more content…

A social factor that led to the drastic population decrease was reported that Japanese youth have lost interest in sex. Social norms in Japan have proposed the media hypothesis, celibacy syndrome, was one of the main factors that led to the decrease in population. Celibacy syndrome is a hypothesis that a growing number of Japanese adults have lost interest in any sexual activity that can also involves marriage, romantic love, or dating. Although, the syndrome is just a hypothesis that can yet be proven, many Japanese singles have admit to turn their focus on online porn and games that allows then to develop relationship with anime girlfriends. Another cultural factor that hinders population growth in Japan was due to the outdated tradition of Japanese women. In Japan, many women disliked the pressure to quit their career and work life and carry on a traditional role of serving the husband and the child. Mothers, who want to keep their job, tend to get stigmatized and usually find that employers are not willing to hire them. As a result, many Japanese women felt their independence of earning their own source of income was taken away, if they were to raise a

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