
GPA Examination

Good Essays

GPA EXEMPTION ESSAY I grew up in the 90’s, the golden age of video games. My perspective of life was similar to a video; one must continue to play the game to go to the next level. If one gives up, they will never progress. There are many different levels to life. In college, I passed a number of levels. However, I continued to repeat the same course. That is why my grade point average was low. One day, I was sitting in the back of class and unknowingly drifted to sleep. I heard a gentle voice whisper, “My dear what is your purpose?” As my eyes opened, I felt embarrassed. I awoken to an empty class and Professor Meadows stood over me. I was too drowsy to respond. So professor Meadows continued to speak, “Octavia I notice you put forth little effort, yet you have enormous potential.” As I walked home she made me think. What was my purpose? …show more content…

I chose not to pay attention, I chose to be a follower and not read my assignments. I sure did not take certain classes seriously. In my freshman year, I met a mature student named Dill. He was an opinionated fellow. Dill and I walked to the bus stop when he said, “You know companies do not care about your GPA, as long as you have a degree you are okay.” My face filled up with excitement I thought of course, “why would any one care about my GPA”? Since Dill was older, I truly believed his words. Looking back, I was just young and naïve. My grades suffered, because I was not

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