
Frog Eulogy

Decent Essays

Mr. Samuel E. Frog was a great man. From the morning of October 15, 1927 to April 29, 2017, Mr. Frog has always inspired others by saying that they could be whomever they wanted to be. He was one of the rare amphibians you could really depend on and trust. He was constantly supporting each and every one of his children’s dreams, no matter how big or unrealistic. When we were growing up my mother made sure my siblings and I were always taken care of. She would sacrifice her own happiness for ours. When we were younger we didn’t understand that, but she was just that type of giving person. As we grew up we begin to realize Mum was one of the good ones. She always said you had to be nice to everyone even if they weren’t nice to you, because you didn’t know what might …show more content…

We didn't know Mama's time with us was short, but we still enjoyed every second with her. She was just as sweet, supportive, and full of joy as always right up to the end. Mum was a light in my life as I am sure she was a light in all of yours. She would give anyone the shirt off her back and go out of her way to help a friend in need. I remember one time when I was little Mum got a phone call late at night from a friend who lived on the other side of the Street. She had fought with her husband and was really upset. Mum dressed us and went out in her nightgown with us to go console her because Dad was working that night. She would always be there for her friends and family. There are so many memories of my mother that come to mind so it would be next to impossible for me to pick a favorite. When her time was growing short in those last few days she spent time with each one of us telling us how much we had meant in her life. That will go in my memory bank as one of my favorite times with her. We were lucky to have such a great mother, and even luckier that we were able to spend so much time with her at the end of her

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