
Free Will: Should We Have A Choice?

Decent Essays

Free will, the capability to choose, act, or think individually, exists in all human beings; whether one would like to acknowledge it or not. The idea of having a choice in one’s own life is empowering; whereas the feeling or thought of not having a say one’s life is just as demeaning. But, this belittling feeling people impose on themselves is voluntary. We all do have a choice, whether we believe it’s there or not. Those who oppose the idea of free will argue that every choice we, as an individual in a society, make is influenced or swayed by someone or something else. I personally strongly disagree with this statement. I feel that I have either the option to accept and abide by the influence, or I have the option to ignore the influence. …show more content…

From birth, there are no roles we must fulfill, or goals we must accomplish. But instead, there are thousands and thousands of crossroads we must face, and at each crossroad we must make a decision. Thousands of individual decisions shape our future in various ways. Whether the choice was the right one or wrong one doesn’t matter. Whether we thought we were following our path doesn’t matter. Whether that choice was influenced doesn’t matter. The choice remains, and the choice is all that exists. Far too often, our society uses the idea of a predestined journey or the saying, “everything happens for a reason,” as an excuse for pain, guilt, or hardship. No doubly, adversity can strengthen a person’s soul, but adversity is not always on our path. We can choose to have adversity and in the times we don’t choose adversity; we either run from it or run through it. This choice keeps us going. This choice, however manipulated it may be, is a choice for our own minds and our own bodies. If this predestined journey exists. And our lives are all pieces in someone’s game. Who is that someone? Who crafts our journey? Overall, even if one complies to external influences; the choice to comply is still there. Although, several may disagree with my beliefs on free will, I believe in the choice. I believe that I am in control of my life, and that I can change it however I want to. The choice always

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