
Football Players Face The Greatest Risk Of Concussions

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Concussions in Football Billions of dollars have been spilled into concussion research. One thing that has been proven through this research is that football players face the greatest risk of concussions. This includes all sports, even NCAA and NFL football. Helmets nowadays all have a warning that reads similar to: NO HELMET SYSTEM CAN PROTECT YOU FROM SERIOUS BRAIN AND/OR NECK INJURIES INCLUDING PARALYSIS OR DEATH. TO AVOID THESE RISKS, DO NOT ENGAGE IN THE SPORT OF FOOTBALL. Many people with ties to football argue that the benefits of football significantly outweigh the risks associated. Football people know that concussions can’t be eliminated totally, but they do believe that concussions can be slowed by proper tackling techniques as well as better technology. Even though football may lead to neurodegenerative brain diseases, the benefits of football far and away outweigh these inherited risks. A concussion is defined as a brain injury caused by a blow to the head or a violent shaking of the head and body. The brain sits in a fluid, and a concussion is caused when the brain hits the skull. According to an Institute of Medicine study, high school football players suffer 11.2 concussions every 10,000 games and practices. College player rates stand at 6.3 percent. The study was funded by the NFL (Breslow 1). Doctors such as Bennet Omalu have suggested that football leads to CTE, Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy. Omalu is most known as being portrayed by

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